ACIDATE:::::(take that):::::saucy, 2016, mit / with Liza Dieckwisch, Romina Dümler & Klara Kayser
Irisierende Regenbogenfolie, Plastikfolie, Acrylfarbe, in Salzteig eingebackene lila Trüffelkartoffeln / iridescent rainbow foil, plastic foil, acrylic paint and purple truffle potatoes baked in salt dough
ACIDATE:::::(take that):::::sweet, 2017, mit / with Liza Dieckwisch, Romina Dümler & Klara KayserKünstlerinnenbuch, blaue Rosenmilch / artist book, blue rose milk
Fotos 1, 3–4: © Baustelle Schaustelle
The two-part exhibition was a cooperation with artists Liza Dieckwisch and Klara Kayser as well as curator Romina Dümler on the occasion of the art award 2016 of Baustelle Schaustelle in Essen, Germany. After the exhibition all used materials were transformed into 50 artist books. They were presented as well at Baustelle Schaustelle in Essen in 2017.
Notiz zur Ausstellung von Muriel Meyer bei KubaParis – Zeitschrift für junge Kunst